Social Media Narratives: Addressing Extremism In MiDdle AGE

Grant Awarded: £555,598.52

PI: Sara Wilford

Funder: EU – Horizon Research and Innovation Programme

SMIDGE is a project dedicated to exploring the impact of extremist narratives on the middle-aged population. As part of an EU-funded Horizon research project, we are investigating the attraction of extremist content on social media and how it influences this group. Our goal is to provide policy-makers with valuable insights and recommendations through our reports, policy briefs and counter-narrative videos. Stay up-to-date with our latest findings, news and upcoming events such as webinars, roundtables and conferences.

Misinformation, conspiracy theories and extremism online are growing concerns for governments and society at large. The way social media algorithms work often incentivizes the spread of such ideas, as they generate more engagement and revenue. This phenomenon can have a direct impact on perceptions of democratic institutions, trust in science and calls for direct action to overthrow or disrupt democratically elected governments. Middle-aged individuals (45-65) are particularly susceptible to extremist narratives, and their involvement in such content could have significant consequences for political discourse, democratic processes and institutions.
